Bike? Shoes? Video games? Kids create goals for the things that they want to buy and save money each time they receive their pocket money. Kids and parents can track the progress of the goal anytime through the Woli app.
Teach your kids how to save money!
Saving money is a skill that demands training. The new feature "Woli Money Goals" provides to the kids easy and fun ways to develop smart savings habits that last a lifetime.

Future goals!

With ‘auto-save’ feature kids set the amount and the frequency of money that wants to be saved right into the goal.

Goal Reward!
Incentivize your kids to save money by setting up a Goal Reward. Decide the rate you want to set and adjust it at any time!
Learn More

Kids achieve their goals faster than ever with this brand new feature! Each time a kid uses their Woli card, we’ll round up the payment to the nearest Euro and transfer the extra amount to the saving goals.