Housework and children… Tough “equation”, right? And yet, it doesn’t have to be! Aside from the multiple benefits for kids when they help with chores, encouraging them to do it isn’t as hard as it seems! Read our article and find out how to do it!
Why Is It Important for Kids to Participate in Household Chores?
Those who grew up in the past decades can certainly remember themselves helping, as children, with household chores. From cleaning their room to helping their parents with “adult” chores, most know from a young age what it’s like to do your part in a tidy household.
According to a Braun Research survey a few years ago in America, 82% of adults, in their childhood, consistently helped with household chores. However, only 28% said their children help with household chores today.
The Benefits of Involving Kids in Household Tasks
Have times changed? Definitely! On the one hand, everyone’s increased responsibilities and on the other, the advent of the Internet and Social Media in our lives have changed the landscape around many things. One of them is the involvement of children in household chores. However, a child who participates in them can benefit on many levels. In fact, the recent study by White, DeBoer and Scharf proves it.
By participating in household tasks, a child becomes responsible and independent. They learn to cooperate and adapt. He learns to stick to a schedule and follow the rules that apply to everyone as an equal member of the family. But, most of all, he feels valued!
How to Motivate Your Child to Help at Home
So let’s see how you can encourage your child to contribute to the household chores!
Start early!
“It’s still young, it has a long way to go!”
Logical thinking, not up for debate.
And of course we don’t suggest asking a 2-2.5 year old to wash his saucer after eating! However, you shouldn’t fall into the trap of waiting until puberty, that’s where your task will be difficult. The child’s character will have already been shaped enough, and at the age of 14, for example, he or she will have other interests, so it will be a little difficult to get him or her to suddenly take on household chores.
So, start early. From the very first grades of primary school, start introducing him to the wonderful world of housework!
Teach him about chores, explain why they’re important, and start assigning small, easy tasks, like putting away his toys. From there? The options are endless! Watering? Making the bed? Taking care of your pet? Little by little your child will learn to participate in all these tasks, always with your guidance and according to his or her age.
And don’t forget: It doesn’t take effort, it takes way!
Keep reading and you will understand why…
Lead by Example: Be a Role Model for Your Child
Consistency and commitment to the goal. Two very important concepts, real life lessons for every child. And where will he learn them from? From his parents, of course!
In practice, this means that whatever you try to teach your child, you should always set the right example! This is the only way to get him into the “mood” an hour earlier. If you want him to learn how to clean his room properly, you have to show him the right way. If you want him to finish the tasks you’ve assigned him and not leave them in the middle, you need to be a model of consistency.
Because don’t forget that children are “sponges”. No matter what you say, no matter how much “theory” you teach, if you are not first consistent in what you teach him, it is mathematically certain that he will simply follow your example!
“Be the change you want to see in the world,” Gandhi used to say. Be the change, then!
Encourage it properly!
And after you have given your child the most brilliant example and you feel something between Superman and Batman in his eyes, it’s time to give him space to grow up! Ask him to apply everything you’ve taught him, resist the temptation to observe and correct his every move, and most importantly… Encourage him properly!
Don’t skimp on the “thumbs up” and avoid criticism – at least the kind you know is unconstructive. Reward your child’s effort with words that will encourage them and make them feel valued and capable. It’s worth it, even if the first few times the result isn’t 100% perfect! After all, what difference does it make?
In time, he will become a “star” in household chores too and will make you, once again, a proud parent!
Teach him the meaning of reward, but also discipline!
If you’ve made it this far, it means that everything has gone perfectly and that your child is on the verge of becoming a superstar at housework!
But how will you manage to keep his motivation alive so that he continues to help you with the housework? With the right reward! What does that mean? Simply put, it means that for every successful household “task”, you reward your child in some way, for example with a small amount of money – as an informal “bonus” to his monthly allowance. In other words, put an end to the feeling of “drudgery” and give your child some motivation!
And because every reward system must be accompanied by a “system” of consequences, this is a good time to teach your child the concept of discipline.
Here’s an easy example:
Explain to the child that for every chore he completes he will be rewarded, such as with the extra pocket money mentioned above. However, if he leaves the task in the middle or doesn’t complete it within the time frame you discussed, then he won’t enjoy the joy of that reward – at least not until he completes the task you assigned him.
In any case, the secret is open communication between you and clear goals. Talk openly, set a task and reward schedule together, and make household chores a game!
Discover together what it means…work and joy!
At this point, you need to know that you have a really strong ally on your side…
Their name? Woli!
The app & VISA for kids and young people 8-18 years old, that everyone loves…everyone!
Through the Woli app, you can make household chores a family affair and 100% fun!
Through the app’s “Tasks” feature, you can set all the household chores you want your child to complete and its frequency. Then, you set the extra allowance your child will receive once they complete each task. And that’s how you both come out winners, big and small!
Because, through their participation in household chores, children not only build confidence and self-esteem, but they also understand the value of setting proper priorities. Not to mention they learn, in practice, what it means to make money through effort!
We call that an “investment” in their future…What about you?
Download the Woli app on Android or iOS now, follow the steps to add your child and get 30 days FREE on the premium BASIC subscription plan and a FREE physical Woli card!