Summer Savings Challenges: Engaging Ways to Teach Kids About Saving

Summer Savings Challenges: Engaging Ways to Teach Kids About Saving

Summer is a time of fun, relaxation, and family activities, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to teach your kids about financial responsibility. With school out and more free time on their hands, children can engage in various activities that instill the value of saving money..

The Importance of Teaching Kids About Savings

Teaching kids about money management from an early age is crucial. It sets the foundation for a lifetime of financial responsibility. Understanding the value of money, the benefits of saving, and the consequences of spending are essential life skills. By incorporating fun and engaging activities, you can make financial education an enjoyable part of their summer routine.

Here are some creative and engaging summer savings challenges to help your kids learn the importance of savings.

1. The Weekly Savings Jar

How it Works:
Each child gets a jar or the Woli App, in which there is a feature called “Money goals”, and is encouraged to save a portion of their weekly allowance or any money they earn from chores or small jobs.

Goal: Set a weekly savings goal and offer a small reward if they reach it. The reward can be anything from a favorite treat to a special outing.

Lesson: This activity teaches children the habit of saving regularly and watching their savings grow over time.

2. The Savings Match Challenge

How it Works:
For every euro your child saves, you match it. For example, if they save €5 in a week, you add another €5 to their savings.

Goal: Encourage your child to save as much as possible to maximize the matched amount.

Lesson: This challenge introduces the concept of compound interest and the benefits of saving more. It also shows the value of incentives in saving money.

3. The Spending vs. Saving Game

How it Works:
Create a simple game where your child earns play money for completing tasks or good behavior. They can then choose to spend it on small rewards or save it for a bigger prize. You can use the “Chores” section in the Woli App where you can define tasks to your children and they will receive extra money when they complete them.

Goal: Help your child understand the trade-off between immediate gratification and long-term rewards.

Lesson: This game highlights the importance of making smart spending decisions and the benefits of saving for larger goals.

4. The No-Spend Challenge

How it Works:
Choose a day or a week where no money is spent on non-essential items. Plan fun, free activities like a picnic in the park, a movie night at home, or a bike ride.

Goal: Teach kids that fun doesn’t always have to cost money and encourage them to think creatively about entertainment.

Lesson: This challenge helps children distinguish between needs and wants and understand the value of free activities

5. The Financial Goal Setting Challenge

How it Works:
Sit down with your child and help them set a financial goal. It could be saving for a new toy, a video game, or a special outing. Create a savings plan and track progress together. You can use the “Money Goals” feature in the Woli App in order to track the progress.

Goal: Make the process of saving for a specific goal fun and educational.

Lesson: Setting and achieving financial goals teaches kids about planning, discipline, and the satisfaction of reaching a goal.

6. The Coupon Clipping Challenge

How it Works: Involve your kids in finding and using coupons for grocery shopping or other family purchases. Turn it into a game to see who can save the most money.

Goal: Teach kids the value of looking for deals and being smart consumers.

Lesson: This challenge instills the habit of seeking savings and making informed purchasing decisions.

Our “Money Goals” feature provides kids with fun and easy ways to develop smart saving habits that last a lifetime. Through the Woli app, kids can set goals for the items they wish to buy and save money each time they receive their allowance or extra funds. Both parents and kids can track the progress of these goals in real time. Additionally, with the auto-save function, kids can set the amount that will automatically transfer to their goal and how often, making it easier to achieve their financial targets.



Incorporating savings challenges into your summer routine can be a fun and effective way to teach kids about financial responsibility. These activities not only educate but also encourage family bonding and create lasting memories.

By making financial literacy a part of everyday life, you are setting your children up for a future of smart money management. Remember, the key is to keep the activities fun and engaging. Celebrate their successes and gently guide them through any challenges. With a little creativity and effort, you can make financial education an enjoyable part of your family’s summer.

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